Advanced Curriculum

Intermediate and Advanced Training are combined into one package. 30 days after enrollment in Basic, you may EARN or PURCHASE this package for $150.



CHAPTER 1 – Volume Marketing

  • Choose which of 167 mass-marketing techniques look like fun, are personally interesting, and within your budget.
  • Discover 44 secrets of how to make your signs more exciting and productive.

This chapter will help you become familiar with a wide variety of volume-marketing methods. You can use the handy form to track which of the techniques you would like to use. You will also gain priceless insights on how to create and use signs so they are most effective, and learn what volume-marketing issues you can and can’t write off on your taxes.

CHAPTER 2 – Using The Internet

  • Learn about 76 internet marketing techniques which explain ways to advertise on the internet.
  • Read about the best techniques for building a website, and problems you can avoid.
  • Learn how to protect yourself on the internet, and 69 ways to guard against identity theft.

In this chapter you will learn about internet-marketing techniques, and can keep track of which ones you are interested in using by checking them off on a convenient form. You will also gain valuable insights on how to build a website and test it. Internet and identity-theft issues are also discussed along with what internet marketing you can and can’t write off on your taxes.


CHAPTER 1 – Event Marketing

  • Gain tools and knowledge on how to conduct events that will build your business quickly.
  • Use a convenient list and instructions to host a booth or table at a health fair, expo, or similar event.

In this chapter you will learn the basics of hosting and working events, how to collect the names and email addresses of those who attend, and the importance and benefits of doing so.

CHAPTER 2 – Audio And Video Marketing

  • Discover ways your telephone can build your business for you – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • Learn how to create videos that will attract prospects.

In this chapter you will learn about telephone messages and videos; how to make them most effective, and what to say!


CHAPTER 1 – Advertising Basics

  • Write exciting ad copy that will attract people to your business and opportunity.
  • Build your professional ad-writing skills – discover what works and what doesn’t.
  • Use 132 sample ads to stimulate your thinking in the creation of your own powerful ads.

In this chapter you’ll discover success secrets of the professionals. You’ll learn how to write persuasive ads and sales letters, and put together your own ads from nine pages of power words, phrases, and sample ads.

CHAPTER 2 – Ad Tracking And Followup

  • Create highly effective follow-up ads, and follow-up procedures.
  • Effectively track your ads, and analyze them for greater impact.

Learn how to track your advertising and analyze your results, so you can prepare your followup strategies in advance – for your second, third and fourth sales.

CHAPTER 3 – Prepare For Next Crusade

  • Set up an ongoing marketing campaign.

This chapter will help you plan your marketing strategy for the long-term growth of your business.


CHAPTER 1 – Business Evaluation

  • Set up scheduled evaluations of your business, to gain the most benefits from activities.
  • Use convenient forms to track your commissions, associates, and overall business.

This chapter will put you on a growth-oriented path for managing your business.

CHAPTER 2 – Miscellaneous Issues

  • Read valuable advice on how to hire professional advisors (lawyer, banker, CPA, CFP), and use a questionnaire form to help you find them.
  • Make sense out of federal tax laws using clearly-written tax and corporation information.

This chapter covers a variety of issues important to the growth of your business.


CHAPTER 1 – Managing Money Wisely

  • Read 22 helpful tips on how to most effectively manage your business income.
  • Read 243 ways that can help you live better on less money, while keeping more of your personal income.

This chapter is packed with ideas that will help you “plug the holes” in both your personal and business affairs – those which can drain much of the money you are working so hard to accumulate.


CHAPTER 1 – Learning The Basics

  • Work more efficiently and effectively with associates by clarifying expectations (yours AND theirs).

This chapter provides basic tools that will make managing your associates much easier. You will be able to learn the wants, needs, and expectations of your business associates; and to tell them what you expect of them.

CHAPTER 2 – Developing Leadership Skills

  • Identify motivational types so you know how to keep your associates excited.
  • Learn easy techniques for training others.
  • Use a convenient list to help you identify, reinforce, and strengthen valuable leadership skills.

This chapter contains information and exercises to help you develop exceptional leadership skills.


CHAPTER 1 – Hiring For Business Building

  • Understand the differences between employees and independent contractors.
  • Learn the tax laws which apply to hiring and working with others.
  • Using pre-written forms, write clear contracts of understanding between you and those you hire.

This chapter can help ease the “growing pains” of your business. It explains the difference between independent contractors, temps, and employees; the advantages of hiring them; contracts; tax issues; sources; startup costs; payment possibilities; interviews; locations; and additional considerations.

CHAPTER 2 – Interacting With Others

  • Learn how professionals negotiate the best deals.
  • Find out how you can hire others to build your business – to do things you don’t want to do.
  • Understand how to deal with people who may talk or act “oddly.”

This chapter will be extremely helpful in enabling you to understand and negotiate with anyone – from a five-year-old to a hundred-and-five-year-old.


CHAPTER 1 – The Power Of Negative Programming

  • Understand how negative advertising/programming affects your life, and the lives of others.

In this chapter you will examine how powerful negative programming is, and how it has shaped both your life and our global socioeconomic systems.

CHAPTER 2 – Clearing Negative Programming

  • Pinpoint specific negative beliefs that are holding you back.
  • Learn simple and free techniques that will clear negative emotions and beliefs – to build confidence and self respect.

This chapter covers the steps needed to prepare for clearing, how to “see” what your intuition is “saying,” and how to select which issues to work on first. Then it describes methods of clearing the beliefs that are holding you back.

CHAPTER 3 – Developing Emotional Strength

  • Use a list of positive statements in 30 categories to script your own uplifting affirmations, then record them so you can listen to them often.
  • Empower yourself with confidence and self respect by learning how to recognize abuse and effectively set boundaries.

This chapter will give you lots of tools to help you gain the inner strength and self confidence you need to be successful both personally and in business.

CHAPTER 4 – The Power Of Appreciation

  • Establish very positive and supportive connections with others through appreciation and recognition.
  • Create strong personal relationships using the Game of Appreciation.

In this chapter you will discover simple and uplifting things you can say and do that will dramatically improve your relationships. You will also find a fun, life-enriching game to help you.

Create your own exciting “masterpiece.” All the "ingredients" are here, waiting for you to select which pieces you’ll use to create an income stream that will bring you tremendous satisfaction, and the lifestyle you so richly deserve.

Phoenix Success Training

Create Your Success

This step-by-step business-development and life-coaching course will guide you to build a successful business around any product, service, hobby, or special interest. It is designed to fit your personal lifestyle, budget, and time available.