In Phoenix Success Training, we not only supply materials so you can plan for the future and track your progress, but we ask questions that will stimulate your thinking along the way. In fact, the entire course is an easy-to-follow, step-by-step system that will help you clarify where you truly want to go in life, and then guide you through a process that helps you create a personalized path to get there. All you need to do is follow the steps.
You can pick and choose what you need from an extensive variety of forms and worksheets, including: setting goals, making commitments, simplifying your taxes, planning your marketing strategy (personal, volume, and internet), tracking your weekly schedule, tracking phone calls and orders, recording health and lifestyle issues, evaluating your business, planning and managing business-building campaigns, interviewing potential business associates, developing leadership skills, contracts for hiring employees and independent contractors, evaluating your website, personal growth, finding professional advisors, and more!
Many of the documents are editable, and others are PDFs you can print and "fill in the blanks."
When you begin this course you are guided to open and print a 12-page worksheet, to plan and track your progress through training – as shown in this graphic:
We even provide an easy-to-use tax management system. Simply fill out-clearly explained forms, then give a copy to your accountant. It’s that simple.
to build a business you can be truly passionate about.